When Love Shows Up, Open Your Heart

Tampa, FL: Summer 2012

A few weeks ago we got a visitor. He’s a poodle/llasa apso mix, and has a limp in both hind legs. When he first showed up, he wouldn’t let anyone get close to him. If we had food in our hands, he would snatch it right out then run off. But one day he let me pet him and put a collar and leash on him. So we fed him, bathed him, named him Gizmo then took him in.

*Sigh* He left his little paw prints all over my heart. The Bible says to gaurd your heart. But the Holy Spirit will definitely let you know when you need to open it. Gizmo is one of God’s creatures and I’m grateful God sent him to us. Because the same dog who would run if he even thought we were coming in his direction, now sleeps on our shoes and feet, follows us foot to foot, and guards us if he thinks we’re in trouble.

Love is amazing and comes in so many forms. When it comes to you, open your heart.

Oh, and I loved this article and thouht you would too: http://www.soulseeds.com/seed-exchange/2012/02/12-symptoms-of-a-spiritual-awakening/