Have to

Charleston, SC: Summer 2012

A woman I met recently told me that my name means “have to” in Patois. I thought it was very fitting because when I get it in my mind or in my spirit to do something – I have to do it. But even that means nothing unless it’s for God. So here’s my “have to” list from God:

I have to be who God created me to be. He only created one me, so there’s no point in basing what I do and who I am off someone else. Appreciating others’ differences is wonderful. Copying and mimicking them – not so much.

I have to read the Bible. Otherwise, I won’t have knowledge on how to run my life.

I have to pray. How else will I have a real relationship with God?

I have to always do my best to live a life pleasing to God. I don’t want to be separated from Him ever.

I have to love. It’s the greatest of all commands and is the only thing that can really validate my faith.

I have to spend time with God. He is so real and once you feel Him, there’s no going back.

I have to repent – like really repent. Or else I won’t grow and I’ll keep getting caught up in the same sin, mistakes and failures as before.

John 8:12, NLT “Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, ‘I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t HAVE TO walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life'”.